Discover the Ocean Within You
Hikma means wisdom and Fitra means innate state. Authentic Hikma is the cultivation of our innate wisdom. The internal struggle for personal mastery awakens us to our innate wisdom to live consciously.
Developing Hikma offers growth in a way that may not be apparent at first, yet those around you will witness a change. Through this process, you expand vertically!
Authentic Hikma invites non-attachment, surrender, being with, and exploring ALL possibilities. We become grounded in our essence (fitra), embrace who we are, and accept ALL aspects of ourselves. We bring our holistic self to life from that perspective.
Ground. Path. Fruition.
The olive tree represents the strong, grounded roots, our values, beliefs, and essence or the ground. The trunk represents our purpose and actions or our path. The olives are the results or the fruition of our path and the ground.
The birds represent the opening that the clients feel for themselves. This is the glimpse of knowing that IT IS POSSIBLE! They are experiencing the joy of deeper self-awareness and reconnection to their core.
The roots are in a water wave. This represents all the possibilities and distractions. Here, we sit and live with what can support or hinder our journey.
The water drop represents who we are as beings and how all we need is within us. We discern what we have to fulfill our life.
The journey is to know yourself and accept who you are for ALL you are. Knowing yourself and constant self-reflection reminds us of who we are, what we stand for, where we are going…etc.
Discovering your inner ocean will allow you to live a purposeful life. Let us help you find your inner ocean – it’s within reach!
Successful Journey
Situation: A working professional who is facing difficulties connecting with his manager and is unhappy with his work. This is hindering his work performance and health.
Question: Should he stay, put up with his painful situation, and deteriorate his health to keep supporting his family? What are his options?
Outcome: We worked on reconnecting to his authentic self by getting a deeper understanding of his values, personal vision, purpose, and desired outcomes. This new discovery empowered him to see his situation with a new perspective and take more informed decisions that honor him as an individual and his family. He was laid off a few months after concluding the coaching journey! He walked out with self respect and eagerness to uncover the next chapter in his life.