I’m excited to connect with you! My goal is to help you become more self-aware so that you can live a life filled with purpose, confidence, and inner harmony. 

You can reach me through any of the options provided below:

  • Email
    If you ever want to talk about your situation, challenges, or objectives, don’t hesitate to send me an email at info@authentichikma.com. I’ll get back to you as soon as I can. This is also the perfect way to contact me if you have any questions.

  • Schedule a 30-Min Connection
    Would you like to connect with me for 30-minutes via video to learn more about my coaching style? This is a perfect opportunity to see if we’re a good fit for working together, following an initial email exchange. During our connection, I’ll explain more about my approach, and we can discuss your goals in more detail.

I look forward to speaking with you soon! Remember – you’ve already accomplished the most challenging part: reaching out. Now let me meet you halfway.

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