Better Together With Nature (BeToWiN) – Holistic approach
October 18, 2019 @ 8:00 am - 10:00 pm EDT
Experience living through self, others, and everything around you without any limitations
Do you feel overwhelmed with all the responsibilities you have professionally and personally?
Are you suffocating from a toxic environment?
Would you like to regain your energy and focus?
Then this mastermind is for YOU
This is a chance to leave all the technology and apathetic space and people behind
It’s a chance to be with nature
Learn alongside other humans who suffer from the same pain and share similar hopes
This event is a 9 week mastermind focused on you and your relationship with yourself, nature, others around you, and the space surrounding you. During this 9 weeks, you will learn the building blocks for your true leadership and how to grow it.
Modules in Details
Within: You will gain a deeper awareness of yourself. You will spend some time discovering, learning, and noticing various aspects of yourself in many different parts of your life
Others: You will use your enhanced self-awareness to build stronger relationships with others, notice how they act and interact, and how you relate to each other
Space: You will use your learning from module 1 and 2 to gain a better understanding of your space and surrounding environment. You will be able to identify what matters to you most and how you want to relate to it and communicate it
Everything (yourself, others, and the space): You will learn how to connect from a holistic perspective and confidently let go of all irrelevant attachments
Integration: This is time for reflection and locking in the learning
Who is Leading this Event?
In addition to myself, it’s an honor to introduce my co-leader, Coach Conrad Hayter. Conrad will be joining me to co-lead some modules of this program. Unlike many co-leaderships, this is a unique experience where you can see the power of better together at play. Get ready! This journey is surely packed with fun and learning.
What will You Gain?
A safe and intimate space to be the most creative, free-spirit, and true YOU
An opportunity to destress and lower your cortisol hormone as you immerse yourself in nature*
Deeper self-awareness as you re-discover your true self and how you hold yourself as naturally creative, resourceful and whole human
An opportunity to connect with other unique humans like yourself who share the same pains and hopes
Expansive experience of the space you occupy, how to interact with it and others through your true human nature
A memorable, fun, and one of a kind experience
*Scientific research has recently proven the relationship between time in nature and stress.
How Do You Prepare for the Program?
Leave your smart devices behind
Dress appropriately for the weather. We will be outdoors (rain or shine)
Be on time, EVERY time
Your curiosity to learn and grow and allow others to learn and grow
Your smile:-)
I can’t wait to greet you, connect with you, guide you towards your hopes, and hold the space for your pains.
psss, would you like to learn a secret about this program? I created this based on my life experiences in the busy world and with nature. Read more about it here.